Introducing the Regression Games Weekly Observation

Bringing you the latest in gaming and AI, by Regression Games

Welcome to our brand new weekly newsletter and platform update! Every week we’ll bring you the latest AI + gaming news, resources, and updates from the Regression Games team.

Join our community on Discord and start playing!

Weekly Spotlight - Winner of the Alpha Cup

Last week, Regression Games held its very first tournament finals. The Alpha Cup finals, sponsored by Steamship, saw multiple teams battle in a single-elimination bracket, with some bots showing up with great macro and micro strategy. Player 4lve ended up taking the win, with Bruh Moment coming in second. The video below includes the stream highlights, as well as strategies and ideas discussed between the RG developers and tournament teams.

Make sure to follow our Twitch and YouTube channels to see our new content!

Regression Games Platform Updates

With the conclusion of our tournament, the Regression Games team is collecting feedback and working on our plans for the next tournament, as well as implementing a few features (such as alternatives to GitHub) for the off-season.

The feedback we received from players mostly revolved around the use of Minecraft, guides for getting started, and the timing for the tournament. We plan to take this feedback and plan improvements for our next competition.

Blog Post - OpenAI Five

The OpenAI Five blog post, which covers OpenAI’s approach to building Dota 2 bots which beat the world champions in 2017, is a great starting point for those looking to understand the history and direction of AIs in games.

Twitter / Thread Highlight

Jon Radoff is always at the forefront of AI, gaming, and metaverse products and news. This thread is a great overview of some of the work being done with generative AI and games.

Upcoming Events

May 8th - Lux Season 2 wraps up as players write code and RL algorithms to compete in exciting bot battles - check it out on Kaggle (and Regression Games is a sponsor!)

The next season of CodeCombat, Season 8: Coder’s Harvest, starts this month.

Exciting updates at the intersection of gaming and AI

Itero, a League of Legends companion app that uses AI to provide matchup and character selection recommendations, just announced a pro version of their app.

Technical Paper of the Week

Every week we will select a recently-published paper for our reading club. This week’s reading: SocNavGym: A Reinforcement Learning Gym for Social Navigation. Similar to other RL environments, this particular paper discusses the idea of training agents that are meant to work in social environments, where human interaction may play a role in the agent’s training.

Members of our community discuss these papers on our Discord #reading-club channel. You can also find all past resources on our GitHub.

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